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Peter Ennals, Deryck W. Holdsworth Looking Backward and Moving Forward: Early House Building Patterns among the Yorkshire Settlers of Chignecto HTML (English) PDF (English)
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Bonar A. (Sandy) Gow Creating a Past for the Canadian Petroleum Industry’s Technology: The Drilling Rig HTML (English) PDF (English)
Pierre-Édouard Latouche Bonenfant, Marie-Ève. 2006. Les escaliers publics en fer de la ville de Québec. Entre fonctionnalité et représentation (1880-1900) HTML (English) PDF (English)
Caroline Cloutier Therrien, Marie-Josée. 2005. Au-delà des frontières. L’architecture des ambassades canadiennes 1930-2005 HTML (English) PDF (English)
Richard Klein Rudy, Jarrett. 2005. The Freedom to Smoke: Tobacco Consumption and Identity HTML (English) PDF (English)
Robin Inglis Vodden, Christy and Ian Dyck. 2006. A World Inside: A 150-Year History of the Canadian Museum of Civilization HTML (English) PDF (English)
S. Holyck Hunchuck Rochon, Lisa. 2005 Up North: Where Canada’s Architecture Meets the Land HTML (English) PDF (English)