Michael C. Wilson The "Placing" of Identity in Nomadic Societies: Aboriginal Landscapes of the Northwestern Plains of North America HTML (English) PDF (English)
Phillip Gordon Mackintosh Asphalt Modernism on the Streets of Toronto, 1890–1900 HTML (English) PDF (English)
Kirsten Greer, Laura Cameron "Swee-ee-et Cán-a-da, Cán-a-da, Cán-a-da": Sensuous Landscapes of Birdwatching in the Eastern Provinces, 1900–1939 HTML (English) PDF (English)
Matthew Hatvany The "Totem Poles" of Saint-Roch: Graffiti, Material Culture and the Re-Appropriation of a Popular Landscape HTML (English) PDF (English)
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Leonard J. Evenden Chris Wilson and Paul Groth, eds., Everyday America: Cultural Landscape Studies after J. B. Jackson HTML (English) PDF (English)