Diane Conrad Drama, Role Theory, and Youth: Implications for Teacher Education HTML (English) PDF (English)
Linda Lang Collective in the Classroom: Creating Theatre in Secondary School Collaboration Projects HTML (English) PDF (English)
Kathleen Gallagher Theatre Pedagogy and Performed Research: Respectful Forgeries and Faithful Betrayals HTML (English) PDF (English)
Debra McLauchlan Transmitting Transactive Pedagogy: A Dilemma of Pre-Service Teacher Education in Drama HTML (English) PDF (English)
Carmen Medina, George Belliveau, Gus Weltsek Performing Academic Spaces: An Ethnodramatic Exploration of Drama Curriculum Design in Teacher Education HTML (English) PDF (English)
Mariette Théberge On Being or Becoming a Secondary School Drama/theatre Teacher in a Linguistic Minority Context HTML (English) PDF (English)
David Beare Joan Lazarus. Signs of Change: New Directions in Secondary Theatre Education. HTML (English) PDF (English)
Mia Perry Johnny Saldaña, ed. Ethnodrama: An Anthology of Reality Theatre. HTML (English) PDF (English)
Monica Prendergast Bryant, K. Alexander, Gary L. Anderson and Bernardo P. Gallegos, eds. Performance Theories in Education: Power, Pedagogy and the Politics of Identity. HTML (English) PDF (English)