Kenneth Donovan Imposing Discipline Upon Nature: Gardens, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Cape Breton, 1713-1758 HTML (English) PDF (English)
Robert Tremblay Pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Évolution du paysage architectural le long de la route transcanadienne, de 1949 à nos jours HTML (English) PDF (English)
Shelley McKellar Smith, Marquard and Joanne Morra, eds. 2005. The Prosthetic Impulse: From a Posthuman Present to a Biocultural Future HTML (English) PDF (English)
Lianne McTavish Daston, Lorraine, ed. 2004. Things That Talk: Object Lessons from Art and Science HTML (English) PDF (English)
Randall Brooks Ifland, Peter. 1998. Taking the Stars: Celestial Navigation from Argonauts to Astronauts HTML (English) PDF (English)
S. Holyck Hunchuck Calloway, Stephen, Elizabeth Cromley et al. 2005. The Elements of Style: An Encyclopaedia of Domestic Architectural Detail HTML (English) PDF (English)