Vol. 47 (2020)
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Vol. 47 (2020)
Publié novembre 22, 2020
Front Matter
PDF (English)
Notes on Contributing Authors / Notes sur les collaborateurs
PDF (English)
From the Editor / Mot de la Rédactrice en Chef
PDF (English)
Ian Brodie
1 - 10
Parody: Intertextuality and Music
PDF (English)
Articles: Parody
Katarzyna Herd, Jakob Löfgren
11 - 33
Mocking Others, Parodying Ourselves: Chants and Songs Used in Swedish Football
PDF (English)
Laura Lohman
34 - 62
“More Truth than Poetry”: Parody and Intertextuality in Early American Political Song
PDF (English)
Melodie Michel
63 - 93
The Iberian Villancico de Negro: Between Parody, Cooptation, and Agency
PDF (English)
Durrell Bowman
94 - 115
Cut Every Corner: Intertextuality and Parody in the Music of The Simpsons
PDF (English)
Michael S. O'Brien
116 - 138
From Soccer Chant to Sonic Meme: Sound Politics and Parody in Argentina’s “Hit of the Summer”
PDF (English)
Articles: Open Topics
139 - 163
Se réapproprier la nuit : Politiques et représentations musicales de la nuit urbaine, de la Walpurgisnacht aux festivals punk-féministes
PDF (English)
Élise Imray Papineau
164 - 188
At the Crossroads of Piety and Ageing: “Punk Hijrah” in Java, Indonesia
PDF (English)
Marie-Christine Parent
189 - 212
Le « moutya otantik » en tant que patrimoine : Mémoires, représentations et construction de l’authenticité d’une pratique musicale de tradition orale en contexte postcolonial
PDF (English)
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus de livres
Victoria Malawey
213 - 215
Eidsheim, Nina Sun. 2019. The Race of Sound: Listening, Timbre & Vocality in African American Music.
PDF (English)
216 - 219
Charles-Dominique, Luc. 2018. Les « bandes » de violons en Europe : cinq siècles de transferts culturels. Des anciens ménétriers aux Tsiganes d’Europe centrale.
Amalia C. Mora
219 - 222
Jocelyne Guilbault and Timothy Rommen, eds. 2019. Sounds of Vacation: Political Economies of Caribbean Tourism.
PDF (English)
Matthew Honegger
222 - 224
Suzanne Ament. 2019. Sing to Victory! Song in Soviet Society during World War II.
PDF (English)
224 - 228
Bellemare, Luc, Jean-Pierre Sévigny et Danick Trottier, dir. 2019. Félix Leclerc. Héritage et perspectives.
Judith Cohen
228 - 230
Feldman, Walter Zev. 2016. Klezmer: Music, History, and Memory.
PDF (English)
Film Reviews / Comptes rendus de films
Lauren Ninoshvili
231 - 233
Zemp, Hugo, dir. 2019. Polyphonic Lullabies of Kakheti.
PDF (English)
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