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Vol. 3 Núm. 1-2 (2000):

Didactique générale, didactique des langues et linguistique appliquée

  • Claude Germain
octubre 15, 2012


What are the research areas explored by the study of teaching/learning (didactics)? In the study of teaching/learning second languages, can we borrow concepts from other disciplines (mathematics, for instance) such as learning/teaching contract or transposition of knowledge? How relevant is the concept of a teaching/learning triangle? Is the study of teaching/learning a science? If so, to what extent is it legitimate to designate it as a science? What is the nature of the relationships between the study of teaching, learning and curriculum? Is a theoretical study of teaching/learning conceivable? desirable? feasible? These are a few issues addressed by the author, under the form of eleven PRINCIPLES or hypothetical statements, followed, where applicable, by their corollaries or logical consequences.