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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I have read and followed Atlantic Geology's Editorial Guidelines (available here) in preparing this manuscript.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text is double-spaced and uses a 12-point font (preferably Times New Roman); lines are numbered; tables and figures are placed at the end (if compiled pdf is submitted - preferred) or added separately.
  • Names and contact e-mails for 3 or 4 potential reviewers are included in Comments to the Editor.

Author Guidelines

Please READ the instructions below and on the Author Guidelines document BEFORE you submit your manuscript. 

After you log in, go to your Home and click on Author to initiate the submission process. Pour le texte français, cliquez ici.


For reviewing purposes, the initial submission should be a single PDF that includes text, followed by figures and tables.  A separate Word document for the text only may also be submitted as some reviewers prefer to edit a Word document rather than a PDF.  Please number the lines in the text sequentially before making the PDF as it is helpful to the reviewers and editor. Publication-quality final versions of individual figures and tables will be requested after the manuscript has been accepted.  Note that you need to include the authors' names and e-mail addresses during submission (including preferred way in which the name should appear in the publication, such as "John V. Smith") but other "metadata" about affiliations, funding, etc. is optional.

During the submission process, please provide the names of and contact information for at least three potential REVIEWERS of your manuscript using the "Comment to the Editor" option.

It is understood that manuscripts submitted to Atlantic Geology are not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Manuscript Format  Manuscripts should be set up on 8½ x 11 inch (21 x 28 cm) page format, with margins of a minimum of 1 inch (2.5 cm). Every part of the manuscript (text, figure captions, references) except for tables should be double spaced. The first page of the manuscript should contain only the title, authors' names, authors' complete business addresses (including postal or zip code), and relevant footnotes. Page numbers begin with the title page and all subsequent pages should be numbered accordingly.   For additional important instructions, please refer to the guide to authors document.

Abstract An abstract of approximately 250 words or less is required for all papers and a shorter one for notes. No abstract is necessary for discussion and miscellanea sections. Authors who can submit abstracts in both fluent English and French are encouraged to do so; otherwise a translation will be provided prior to publication. References must not be cited in the abstract. Changes to abstracts are not permitted after final acceptance of manuscript because of the French translation.

References References should be typed double spaced and listed alphabetically by authors' names in the format used in current issues of this journal. Reference to unpublished work should be made as follows: (G.E. Pajari, personal communication 1981). Material in press, with the name of the journal, may be used as a reference. All reference material should be written in full, excluding authors' initials. Do NOT set authors' names in all capitals.  Refer to guide to authors document for more details and examples.

Illustrations Illustrations (figures and photographs) should be numbered consecutively and each one should be referred to, in order, in the text. Do not include the figures in the text - put them all together sequentially after the References.  All illustrations should be designed to fit into one column (width 3.5 inches or 9 cm) or two columns (width 7.25 inches or 18.5 cm); the length of the columns is 9½ inches or 24 cm. If no size specifications are provided, illustration size is at the discretion of the layout team.  Consideration should be given for caption space with full page figures and photographs. All figures and photographs must include a scale which may be on the illustration or, alternatively, in the figure caption. CorelDRAW format is preferred for submission of FINAL figures. FINAL versions of halftone or photographic plates should be submitted as pdf format files. Figures and photographs will appear in colour at no charge in the electronic journal. However, authors should ensure that the figure also can be viewed effectively in black and white, as many readers likely will not be printing colour copies of your paper.  Refer to guide to authors document for more information.

Tables Design tables to fit within the width of the page at 9 point type. Larger tables should fit within one page either in portrait or landscape layout. Use horizontal lines above and below headings and below columns. Vertical lines should not be used in tables. It is preferred that tables be prepared in Excel.

Galley Proofs Galley proofs are provided for the correction of typographical errors—costs incurred by larger changes will be charged to the authors. Corrected galley proofs must be returned in the time frame specified by the editors (normally 5 days).

Reprints and Page Charges The corresponding author of each paper in Atlantic Geology will be provided with a good quality pdf of his/her paper. Papers published in the journal become open access after one year.  If authors in the current volume want their article to be immediate “open access”, a charge of $30 per published page will apply. 

Detailed guidelines for authors are provided in the pdf entitled "Atlantic Geoscience Guide for Authors", available on the journal Home Page and also via the links provided in several places above. 

Special Series: Circum-Arctic Palynological Event Stratigraphy

The objective of the Circum-Arctic Palynological Event (CAPE) Stratigraphy series is to integrate data published on Arctic palynomorphs to delineate palynological events (palynoevents) across the Arctic for the Silurian to Cenozoic. It is a product of the Trans-GEM Event Stratigraphy activity of the Geological Survey of Canada's Geo-mapping for Energy and Mineral’s (GEM) program. Read more in the Introduction to the CAPE paper series by Bujak et al. in v.57.

Special Series: In Recognition of the Geological Career of Sandra M. Barr

Papers are welcomed on any topics within the broad scope of the journal and relevant in any way to the diverse career of Sandra M. Barr, Professor Emerita, Acadia University.  The concept for this special series arose from a special session entitled “From Ocean Crust to Mountain Peaks: A Celebration of the Career of Sandra Barr” at the 50th Colloquium and Annual General Meeting of the Atlantic Geoscience Society in Moncton, New Brunswick (February 2-3, 2024) convened by Deanne van Rooyen and Chris White, and from a symposium on “Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic Geological Connections Among Northwest Africa, Europe, and Eastern North America – A Session Honoring the Career of Sandra M. Barr” at the Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, annual meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire (March 17-19, 2024), convened by Yvette Kuiper, Margaret Thompson, Chris White, Saïd Belkacim, Faouziya Haissen, and Pilar Montero. Editors for the special series are Deanne van Rooyen and Chris White.

Special Series: Geoscience in support of a net-zero in Atlantic Canada (and beyond)

This “special series” was initiated on the topic “Geoscience in support of a net-zero in Atlantic Canada (and beyond)” as a result of a special session and discussions during the Colloquium in Truro in February, 2023.  The activity is spear-headed by an editorial team at GSC Atlantic, including Jordan Eamer, Alexandre Normandeau, Rob Fensome, Mike Parsons, and Carla Skinner. Their description of the initiative is as follows:  The Government of Canada has committed to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Atlantic Canada will play a pivotal role in achieving this goal, with ambitious plans for renewable energy development, regional electrical distribution, and utilization of its carbon capture potential. These plans require an understanding of a wide range of geosciences, including surficial geology, basin analysis, geohazards, structural geology, geomorphology, and geotechnology. We invite submissions to a special series of Atlantic Geoscience to assemble and disseminate knowledge on the geoscience needed to achieve net-zero emissions in Atlantic Canada by 2050. Themes may include but are not limited to: Geothermal energy potential; Carbon capture and storage; Geological information needed to support offshore wind; Geohazard risks to renewable infrastructure; Geological prospecting for energy storage; New mapping products and techniques for sustainable development; Work to date and the path forward for tidal energy; Leveraging legacy techniques and knowledge to advance low-carbon goals.  The first paper in the special series is anticipated in v. 60.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.