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Call for Exhibition Reviews


Material Culture Review: Call for Exhibition Reviews

Material Culture Review/Revue de la culture matérielle(MCR/RCM) is currently seeking original scholarly exhibition reviews for publication on a rolling basis.

Exhibition reviews are an important feature of MCR/RCM. Their purpose is to extend the impact of certain exhibitions beyond the museum setting and to stimulate debate in the academic and museum communities. Venues we are looking to review include, but are not limited to: temporary museum exhibitions, artist or designer retrospectives, heritage site interpretations, performance festivals, site-specific artworks, Indigenous-led cultural initiatives, virtual exhibitions and permanent collection re-installations.

While reviewers are encouraged to provide readers with a general overview of an exhibition and its impact, submissions should possess an original perspective on the curatorial framework and/or theme. Exhibitions featuring the art and material culture of historically underrepresented communities, in addition to reviews by emerging critical voices, are particularly encouraged. We will also consider interviews, dialogues and other formats. 

Please review submission guidelines and upload your document (no PDFs please) of no more than 1500 words, and 3 relevant images to the online submission portal.

For more information, contact:
Dr. Julia Lum, Assistant Professor of Art History, Scripps College
Exhibition Reviews Editor

MCR/RCM is published twice annually in partnership with the Visual and Material Culture Studies program at Mount Allison University.