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Announcing the Winner of the 2024 New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award


The Editorial Board of the Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick, is pleased to announce that Dr. Gregory M.W. Kennedy (Brandon University) is the winner of the 2024 New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award for his book Lost in the Crowd: Acadian Soldiers of Canada's First World War (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2024). 

As the award committee notes, "Gregory Kennedy is to be commended for his contribution to our understanding of Acadian and New Brunswick history."        The complete award citation (in English and French) follows.
Read more about Announcing the Winner of the 2024 New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award

Le prix du livre académique du Nouveau-Brunswick, 2024


Le prix du livre académique du Nouveau-Brunswick vise à reconnaître les qualités d’érudition dans les domaines des humanités et des sciences sociales faisant progresser nos connaissances et notre compréhension de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick. Parrainé par la Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick/Journal of New Brunswick Studies (RÉNB/JNBS), le prix a une valeur de 250 $. Le ou la récipiendaire du prix aura également l’opportunité d’enregistrer un balado au sujet de son livre qui sera publié sur le site web de la RÉNB/JNBS. Les critères d’éligibilité sont énumérés ci-dessous.

Read more about Le prix du livre académique du Nouveau-Brunswick, 2024

The New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award, 2024


The New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award recognizes exceptional scholarship in the humanities and social sciences that advances our knowledge and understanding of the province of New Brunswick. Sponsored by the Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick (JNBS/RÉNB), the award carries a value of $250. The recipient of the award will also be given the opportunity to record a podcast about their book which will be posted to the JNBS/RÉNB website. Eligibility requirements are listed below.

Read more about The New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award, 2024

New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award Winner


While the committee was impressed with the quality of books submitted for the New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award, Alan MacEachern’s The Miramichi Fire: A History (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020) was selected as this year’s winner. Not only does MacEachern’s comprehensive archival research delve deeply into provincial history, economics, and lore, but it also brings environmental, climatic, and hydrological understandings to bear on how such conflagrations start and spread; how they change ecosystems, work patterns, and populations; and how they are remembered in the popular imagination. As such, the book makes important contributions to our understanding of New Brunswick’s resource-dependent culture, both past and present. The book is thoroughly researched and written in a style that is scholarly and at times playful in its presentation of the facts and stories that have accompanied this momentous event in provincial history.                                                                                                                                                                                             

Read more about New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award Winner

Oigotasig Nasitaneo : Telsotasigeo Marshalleoei , New Brunswick ag Atlantic Canada tapoisgag tje nan giis


Gegenoatagen Oigatigen New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’’etudes sur le Nouveau-Brunswick
( na etl maoitampg otjit oesgotasig gogei otjit province ag tan tet eimotimg oetjoo ag ositgamog tan teloltigo. Notji ginamoatitjig otjit elnoei teplotagen, nemetjogagen/ nipogt tan telotasig, Crown-Indigenous- Settler telamatoltimg , ag nematjoinoei teplotagen na oigomotjig ola tepgisteg oigatigen tan oesgotasig ag angaptasig 1999 Supreme Court of Canada ( SCC) Marshall telsotasigepag tan telatog New Brunswick ag Atlantic Canada tapoisgag tje nan tesipongeg pemiag.

Read more about Oigotasig Nasitaneo : Telsotasigeo Marshalleoei , New Brunswick ag Atlantic Canada tapoisgag tje nan giis

Numéro special : Les décisions Marshall, Nouveau-Brunswick et le Canada atlantique 25 ans plus tard


La Revue d'études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick / Journal of New Brunswick Studies
( est un forum d'idées et de débats sur la province et sa place dans les contextes canadiens et mondial. Les chercheurs qui s'intéressent aux droits autochtones, à la gestion des pêches et des ressources naturelles, aux relations entre la Couronne, les autochtones et les colons, ainsi qu’aux politiques publiques, sont invités à soumettre des résumés pour un numéro spécial consacré à l'exploration des décisions Marshall de 1999 de la Cour suprême du Canada (CSC) et de leur impact sur le Nouveau-Brunswick et le reste du Canada atlantique 25 ans plus tard.

Read more about Numéro special : Les décisions Marshall, Nouveau-Brunswick et le Canada atlantique 25 ans plus tard

Special Issue: The Marshall Decisions, New Brunswick & Atlantic Canada 25 years later



The Journal of New Brunswick Studies/ Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick
( is a forum for ideas and debate about the province and its place in wider Canadian and global contexts. Scholars of Indigenous rights, fisheries/natural resources management, Crown-Indigenous-settler relations, and public policy are invited to submit abstracts for a special issue dedicated to exploring the 1999 Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) Marshall decisions and its impact on New Brunswick and the rest of Atlantic Canada 25 years later.

Read more about Special Issue: The Marshall Decisions, New Brunswick & Atlantic Canada 25 years later

Le prix du livre académique du Nouveau-Brunswick


Le prix du livre académique du Nouveau-Brunswick vise à reconnaître les qualités d’érudition dans les domaines des humanités et des sciences sociales faisant progresser nos connaissances et notre compréhension de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick. Parrainé par la Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick/Journal of New Brunswick Studies (RÉNB/JNBS), le prix a une valeur de 250 $. Le ou la récipiendaire du prix aura également l’opportunité d’enregistrer un balado au sujet de son livre qui sera publié sur le site web de la RÉNB/JNBS.

Le prix du livre académique du Nouveau-Brunswick

Read more about Le prix du livre académique du Nouveau-Brunswick

New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award


The New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award recognizes exceptional scholarship in the humanities and social sciences that advances our knowledge and understanding of the province of New Brunswick. Sponsored by the Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick (JNBS/RÉNB), the award carries a value of $250. The recipient of the award will also be given the opportunity to record a podcast about their book which will be posted to the JNBS/RÉNB website.


New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award

Read more about New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award

Art in the Park: Artists’ Responses to Fundy National Park


Growing up in New Brunswick, I have long been mindful of the love and pride that many feel for Fundy National Park, but until recently I had never been aware of how this connection came to be. Stemming from this curiosity, I grew interested in the art historical ties that Fundy holds through its enduring connection to artists and cultural institutions. Interestingly, Fundy National Park and the surrounding community have long been a cultural hub for artists. Beginning with the opening of the park in 1950, there have been courses for various forms of craft, workshops, cultural events, and artist residencies taking place within the park. The park now hosts a wide array of guests, from Mount Allison University students, to beloved bands and musicians.

Read more about Art in the Park: Artists’ Responses to Fundy National Park

New Editorship and Editorial Board additions


The Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick is pleased to announce that Dr. Michael Boudreau, Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice, St. Thomas University, is the new Editor of the Journal.  He replaces Dr. Tony Tremblay who, in addition to being the founding Editor of the Journal, has served in this capacity for the past ten years.   

The Journal is also delighted to welcome four new members to the Editorial Board: Dr. Kristi Allain (St. Thomas University); Dr. Leah Grandy (University of New Brunswick Libraries); Dr. Bonnie Huskins (St. Thomas University); and Dr. Jean Sauvageau (St. Thomas University).

Read more about New Editorship and Editorial Board additions