JNBS/RÉNB is an online, multidisciplinary journal that publishes peer-reviewed research about New Brunswick in English and French. The only such journal of its kind in New Brunswick, JNBS/RÉNB is a forum for ideas and debate about the province and its place in wider Canadian and global contexts. Our aim is to publish thoughtful writing that engages a broad readership in ongoing conversations about the province.
Le prix du livre académique du Nouveau-Brunswick, 2025
Le prix du livre académique du Nouveau-Brunswick vise à reconnaître les qualités d’érudition dans les domaines des humanités et des sciences sociales faisant progresser nos connaissances et notre compréhension de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick. Le prix est administré par le Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick/Journal of New Brunswick Studies (RÉNB/JNBS). Le ou la récipiendaire du prix aura également l’opportunité d’enregistrer un balado au sujet de son livre qui sera mis en ligne sur le site web de la RÉNB/JNBS. Les critères d’éligibilité sont énumérés ci-dessous.
The New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award, 2025
The New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award recognizes exceptional scholarship in the humanities and social sciences that advances our knowledge and understanding of the province of New Brunswick. The award is administered by the Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick (JNBS/RÉNB). The recipient of the award will also be given the opportunity to record a podcast about their book which will be posted to the JNBS/RÉNB website. Eligibility requirements are listed here.
Announcing the Winner of the 2024 New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award
The Editorial Board of the Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick, is pleased to announce that Dr. Gregory M.W. Kennedy (Brandon University) is the winner of the 2024 New Brunswick Scholarly Book Award for his book Lost in the Crowd: Acadian Soldiers of Canada's First World War (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2024).
As the award committee notes, "Gregory Kennedy is to be commended for his contribution to our understanding of Acadian and New Brunswick history." The complete award citation (in English and French) follows.