Failed States: Why They Matter and What We Should do About Them Derek Fraser HTML (English) PDF (English)
Success in Failed States: Canadian Military Strategy in Somalia and the Implications for Afghanistan Grant Dawson HTML (English) PDF (English)
For Better or Worse?: Learning and American (-led) nation-Building in the Balkans Patrice McMahon HTML (English) PDF (English)
Defining Terrorism: A Comparison of Several Judicial-Executive Dialogues Noemi Gal-Or HTML (English) PDF (English)
David Armstrong, Theo Farrell, and Bice Maiguascha, eds. Force and Legitimacy in World Politics. Rachel Bzostek HTML (English) PDF (English)
David Tucker and Christopher J. Lamb. United States Special Operations Forces. Stephen M. Grenier HTML (English) PDF (English)
Ann Hironaka. Neverending Wars: The International Community, Weak States and the Perpetuation of War. James J. Hentz HTML (English) PDF (English)
Richard Caplan. International Governance of War-Torn Territories: Rule and Reconstruction. Robert E. Kelly HTML (English) PDF (English)
Mark Crescenzi. Economic Interdependence and Conflict in World Politics. Victor Marin HTML (English) PDF (English)
Christopher Cramer. Violence in Developing Countries: War, Memory, and Progress. Audra Mitchell HTML (English) PDF (English)
A. Manafy. The Kurdish Political Struggles in Iran, Iraq and Turkey: A Critical Analysis. David Romano HTML (English) PDF (English)
Clifford Bob. The Marketing of Rebellion: Insurgents, Media, and International Activism. Brandon Stewart HTML (English) PDF (English)
Robert J. Art and Louise Richardson, eds. Democracy and Counterterrorism: Lessons from the Past. Michael T. Koch HTML (English) PDF (English)
Robert Layton. Order and Anarchy: Civil Society, Social Disorder and War. David Sobek HTML (English) PDF (English)
Christian Davenport. State Repression and the Domestic Democratic Peace. Joseph K. Young HTML (English) PDF (English)
Benjamin Miller. States, Nations, and the Great Powers: The Sources of Regional War and Peace. Anessa L. Kimball HTML (English) PDF (English)
Robert Bevan. The Destruction of Memory: Architecture at War. James G. Mellon HTML (English) PDF (English)