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Vol. 11 Núm. 1 (2008)

L’écriture en immersion française : Les meilleures pratiques et le rôle d’une communauté professionnelle d’apprentissage

  • Paula Kristmanson
  • Joseph Dicks
  • Josée Le Bouthillier
  • Renée Bourgoin
octubre 15, 2012


This article describes an action-research project integrating principles of cooperative inquiry and democratic dialogue. This study, set in a New Brunswick elementary school context, presents a writing model integrating best practices in the teaching of writing as presented in the literature and as evidenced in actual classroom practices. Developed through collaboration between researchers and a school-based Professional Learning Community (PLC), the “ECRI” model (Reasoned and Coherent Writing in Immersion) was successfully implemented by French immersion teachers. Their insights into the use of the model and into the PLC process are included in the discussion of the results of this research project.