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Call for Papers - 2023 Special Issue


Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics

Call for Papers - 2023 Special Issue

Indigenous Language Revitalization and Applied Linguistics: Exploring Relationships

Olivia N. Sammons, First Nations University of Canada,

Christopher Cox, Carleton University,

Recent scholarship in both applied linguistics (AL) and Indigenous language revitalization (ILR) has begun to call for greater attention to issues at the intersection of both fields, observing a considerable range of common interests and shared emphases, albeit with notable differences in the historical development and current perspectives of both disciplines (Cope & Penfield, 2011; Daniels & Sterzuk, 2022; McIvor, 2020; Penfield & Tucker, 2011). Indeed, much as discussions of the interrelationship between ILR, general linguistics, and anthropology have helped to foster productive interchange between these fields over the past several decades, we see similar promise in encouraging further dialogue between practitioners of AL and ILR, with the aim of making additional space for mutual learning and benefit.

In light of the United Nations' International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022–2032), we invite contributions to a Special Edition of the Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics that attends to issues at the intersection of Indigenous language revitalization and applied linguistics. We especially welcome submissions from practitioners of ILR, applied linguists, and others working across these disciplinary boundaries. Submissions may take the form of reflections on the relationship between ILR and AL in current theory and practice; and/or discussions of specific programs, initiatives, and instances of engagement that advance current understandings of the relationship between these fields. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Indigenous language acquisition
  • Indigenous language policy and planning, including home and family language maintenance
  • Indigenous languages, identity, and attitudes
  • Indigenous language rights
  • Indigenous language education and pedagogies
  • Indigenous language lexicography
  • Bilingualism and multilingualism involving Indigenous language(s)
  • Technology in Indigenous language learning and teaching, including computer-assisted language learning (CALL) focused on Indigenous languages
  • Curriculum design and evaluation for Indigenous languages

Submissions will be accepted in English, French, or an Indigenous language. In the latter case, upon acceptance for publication, we request that authors provide a 1,000-word summary in English and French so that members of other language groups may also learn about this work.

To review Author Guidelines, please refer to:

Interested authors should submit an initial 300-word abstract along with a title page with each contributor’s complete name, email, and affiliation to Christopher Cox,, by September 15, 2022. This initial abstract will be vetted (by November 2022) to ensure applicability to the Special Issue’s focus. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full manuscript for peer review by March 1, 2023. Publication is expected for November 2023.


Cope, L. & Penfield, S. D. (2011). ‘Applied linguist needed’: Cross-disciplinary networking for revitalization and education in endangered language contexts. Language and Education, 25(4), 267–271.

Daniels, B. & Sterzuk, A. (2022). Indigenous Language Revitalization and Applied Linguistics: Conceptualizing an ethical space of engagement between academic fields. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25(1), 1–18. 

McIvor, O. (2020). Indigenous Language Revitalization and Applied Linguistics: Parallel histories, shared futures? Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 40, 78–96.

Penfield, S. D. & Tucker, B. V. (2011). From documenting to revitalizing an endangered language: Where do applied linguists fit? Language and Education, 25(4), 291–305.