Genre-based approaches are known for their benefits in first and second language classes. In Québec, the intensive English program offered in sixth grade focuses on the teaching of English – less time is therefore devoted to other disciplines, including French. Through this study, our pedagogical goal was to help students develop their writing skills in both French and English. To do so, we invited a classroom teacher and a second language English teacher to bilingually coteach a unit that zeroes in on the characteristics of a specific genre, the written recommendation of a narrative piece. The analysis of approximately 30 recommendations written by students at the end of this unit sheds light on the characteristics found in these texts. More specifically, this article highlights how writers address the reader, how they summarize the narrative pieces, and how they showcase the quality of the pieces in both their English and French texts. These results allow us to believe that pupils build a good understanding of the genre at stake and that the unit created in the context of this study should be developed further.