Constitution of form-orientation: Contributions of context and explicit knowledge to learning from recasts


  • Masatoshi Sato McGill University


Corrective feedback, Recasts, Explicit knowledge, Contexts, Form-orientation, Sociocultural approaches


This article investigates a language learner’s cognitive ability (i.e., form-orientation) in detecting the corrective nature of non-salient feedback, by reviewing the operationalizations and reported effectiveness of recasts in recent SLA literature. Two directionalities which seem to have resulted in the divergent findings of recast effectiveness will be discussed: (a) operationalized (or intact) explicitness or implicitness of recasts, which designate the level of noticeability (i.e., feedback factors) and (b) contextual variables, including where a study was conducted and participants’ learning background, which ultimately influence the effectiveness of recasts on language development (i.e., learner factors). To expose learner factors accordingly, learning contexts and learner’s explicit knowledge will be discussed as possible variables in forming cognitive orientation. By taking an interdisciplinary approach to explore the constitution of the orientation, namely, SLA, psycholinguistic, and sociocultural approaches, this article concludes that contexts and explicit knowledge interdependently create the cognitive ability that enhances the noticing of implicit recasts, which then arguably determines subsequent language development.

Author Biography

Masatoshi Sato, McGill University

The Department of Integrated Studies in EducationPhD candidate



How to Cite

Sato, M. (2011). Constitution of form-orientation: Contributions of context and explicit knowledge to learning from recasts. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 14(1), 1–28. Retrieved from


