Few researchers have examined learners’ preferences for different types of technological activities in the second-language classroom. This study is an initial effort to identify which technological activities are currently used by university-level FSL students in the language classrooms and which activities and formats these learners prefer and find useful. Data was collected from students taking courses in French as a second language in three different universities. A series of questionnaires was used to assess language skills, gather demographical information and elicit preferences for technological activities. Results indicate that, in general, the students have positive perceptions of the technological activities used in their language classroom even though they don’t use them very often. Students report appreciating some technological activities but don’t find them very useful for language learning while other activities are judged useful but are not appreciated by the students. The results are presented as a continuum of activities ranked by their perceived usefulness and student appreciation. These are followed by recommendations for language teachers about the use of these activities in their classrooms.