Colby Gaudet Slavery and Black Labour in a St. Mary’s Bay Acadian Family, 1786 - 1840 Requires Subscription PDF
William R. Miles, Michael E. Vance “Located on Land in Nova Scotia”: British Soldier Settlement after the Napoleonic Wars Requires Subscription PDF
Katherine Crooks “I am the first of my kind to see it”: Observation and Authorship in Mina Hubbard’s Performance as Labrador Explorer, 1905-1908 Requires Subscription PDF
Ronald Rudin After the Escuminac Disaster: Poverty and Paternalism in Miramichi Bay, New Brunswick Requires Subscription PDF
Susan Parker “Our Story is Your Story”: Examining Recent Scholarship on Indigenous and Black Commemorations with a Nova Scotian Focus Requires Subscription PDF
Daryl Leeworthy The Great Unravelling: New Histories of Deindustrialization Requires Subscription PDF