Reid Gilbert "My Mother Wants Me To Play Romeo Before it's Too Late": Framing Gender on Stage HTML (English)
Sara Graefe Reviving and Revising the Past: The Search for Present Meaning in Michel Marc Bouchard's Lilies, or the Revival of a Romantic Drama HTML (English)
Hélène Beauchamp Theatre Research as (Theatrical) Practice: Recognizing Theatre for Young Audiences HTML (English)
Tom Hendry Denis Johnston. Up The Mainstream: The Rise of Toronto's Alternative Theatres HTML (English)
Louis Bélanger Gilbert David et Pierre Lavoie. Le Monde de Michel Tremblay, des Belles-Soeurs à Marcel Poursuivi par les Chiens HTML (English)
Harry Lane J. Alan B. Somerset. The Stratford Festival Story: A Catalogue-Index to the Stratford, Ontario, Festival 1953-1990 HTML (English)