Anne Nothof Staging the Intersections of Time in Sharon Pollock's Doc, Moving Pictures and End Dream HTML (English)
Jane Moss The Drama of Survival: Staging Post-traumatic Memory in Plays by Lebanese-Québécois Dramatists HTML (English)
Patrick B. O'Neill A History of Dramatic Copyright and Performance Right in Canada to 1924 HTML (English)
Shelley Scott A Fringe Odyssey: 20th Annual Edmonton Fringe Theater Festival, August 16-26, 2001 HTML (English)
George Belliveau Glen Nichols. From Around the World & at Home: Translations and Adaptations in Canadian Theatre HTML (English)
Edward Little Tim Prentki and Jan Selman. Popular Theatre in Political Culture: Britain and Canada in Focus HTML (English)
Patrick B. O'Neill Michael V. Taylor. The Canadian Kings of Repertoire: The Story of the Marks Brothers HTML (English)
Sherrill Grace Ginny Ratsoy and James Hoffman, eds. Playing the Pacific Province: An Anthology of British Columbia Plays, 1967-2000 HTML (English)