Vol. 51 (2024)
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Vol. 51 (2024)
Publié novembre 25, 2024
Front Matter
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From the General Editor / Mot du Rédactrice en Chef
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Notes on Contributing Authors / Notes sure les collaboratrices et collaborateurs
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Articles: Sustainable Futures in Popular Music: The Pandemic and Beyond / Avenirs durables en musique popularaire : au-dela de la pandémie
Alexandra Boutros, Brian Fauteux
1 - 8
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Christina Ballico
9 - 34
Centre Stage: Traversing Australian Live Music Careers in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Melanie Ptatscheck
35 - 56
“Everything Will Be OK”: Busking, Well-Being, and the Value of Music in Times of Pandemic
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Niyati Dhokai, Gwen Baraniecki-Zwil, Glen McCarthy, Emily Romig Fasick, Lillian Chong, Jatin P. Ambegaonkar
57 - 80
Effects of an Online Ukulele Workshop Series on Sense of Community, Social Support, and Arts Engagement in Veterans, Service Members, and Families
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Russell P. Skelchy
81 - 106
A Culture of Sharing: Mutual Aid Responses to COVID-19 by a Punk Infoshop in Manila, Philippines
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Articles: Voices / Voix
Alia Miroshnichenko
107 - 128
Post-Pandemic Reconfiguration of Canadian Independent Live Music Scene: Interviews with Promoters, Artists, and Audiences
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Corbin Cammidge
107 - 128
Free Labour and the Viability of Music Blogging: A Case Study of the No Bells Fan Community
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Ryan Blakeley
139 - 154
MUSICat: Sustaining Local Music Scenes through Public Libraries
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Jan Koplow Villavicencio
155 - 166
Sonically Surrounded: Reflections on Listening to What Is Around
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Articles: Open Topics / Hors Thème
Lei X Ouyang
167 - 192
Mu Daiko: Drumming Between East and West
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Chris Greencorn
193 - 226
“I Doubt If They Were Unusual”: Race and Place in Helen Creighton’s 1967 African Nova Scotian Recording Project
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Adesoji Babalola
227 - 256
“Lyricapitalism” in Nigerian Hip-Hop Subculture: Language, Cyber-Scam Representations, and the End of Sleep
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Book Reviews / Comptes rendus de livres
Rachel Adelstein
257 - 259
Roda, Jessica. 2024. For Women and Girls Only: Reshaping Jewish Orthodoxy Through the Arts in the Digital Age.
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Ailsa Lipscombe
259 - 262
Størvold, Tore. 2023. Dissonant Landscapes: Music, Nature, and the Performance of Iceland
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Brigida Migliore
262 - 265
Anis, Fariji. 2023. Fragments accordés. La composition musicale contemporaine et le monde arabe
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Robin Cauche
265 - 269
Heuguet, Guillaume. 2021. YouTube et les métamorphoses de la musique.
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Elsa Fortant
269 - 271
Born, Georgina, dir. 2022. Music and Digital Media: A Planetary Anthology
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Rosheeka Parahoo
271 - 273
Molanphy, Chris. 2023. Old Town Road
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Alex Blue V
273 - 276
Przybylski, Liz. 2023. Sonic Sovereignty: Hip Hop, Indigeneity, and Shifting Popular Music Mainstreams.
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