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Vol. 27 No. 1 (2024)

La conception d’une séquence didactique permettant le développement des habiletés prosodiques : recherche-développement

October 21, 2022


This study focuses on the development of reading skills among elementary school students, specifically on skills related to prosody. In order to promote the prosodic skills of first- and second-grade French-speaking students, the study aimed to design a training program which focused on the explicit teaching of punctuation in reading. The research and development methodology according to Van Der Maren (2003) was chosen to achieve this objective. The designed training program was validated by seven experts and the content analysis of their evaluations allowed us to highlight the strengths of the program as well as the points to be improved. This program designed and validated through a rigorous process helps to fill a gap both in terms of training program on punctuation for future intervention studies interested on prosody, and in terms of a pedagogical material available to educators for their teaching of prosody.


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