Bâtisseuses de l’est : les vétéranes des Maritimes et la santé publique, 1919-1939


  • Mélanie Morin-Pelletier


The First World War military nurse is a central figure of the Great War literature. However, the Nurse veterans’ post-war professional paths have received little attention from historians. This article explores the Maritimes Nursing Sisters’ contribution to the interwar health care system, focusing primarily on pioneer public health nurses. The experience and skills military nurses gained or honed overseas and their access to specialized training after the war made them strong candidates to join the emerging and promising field of public health.




How to Cite

Morin-Pelletier, M. (2013). Bâtisseuses de l’est : les vétéranes des Maritimes et la santé publique, 1919-1939. Acadiensis, 42(1). Retrieved from https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/Acadiensis/article/view/20292