The documentary film Kouchibouguac, released by the Office national du film (ONF) in 1979, allowed Acadians – who had been removed from their lands to allow the creation of the national park of the same name – to tell their stories. This article explores the making of the film, with a particular focus upon the difficulties experienced by Acadians trying to find their voice within the Québécois-dominated ONF. It also reflects on the form of the film as well as the impact that it had within an Acadian population that was divided over the sporadically violent opposition to the park. Résumé Sorti en 1979, le film documentaire Kouchibouguac, de l’Office national du film (ONF), a permis aux Acadiens qui avaient été forcés de quitter leurs terres afin de permettre la création du parc national du même nom de raconter leur histoire. Cet article explore la production de ce film en portant une attention particulière aux difficultés que les Acadiens ont rencontrées en essayant de trouver leur voix à l’intérieur de l’ONF, dominé par des Québécois. Il examine aussi le film sur le plan de la forme ainsi que l’impact qu’il a eu parmi une population acadienne divisée par l’opposition parfois violente à la création du parc.Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the author(s), with Acadiensis being granted a non-exclusive licence to each and every right in the work throughout the world. After publication of the work, the author(s) shall have the right to self-archive the work and to reprint the work in whole or in part in books authored by or edited by the author(s) without the payment of any fee. In these other formats, however, the author or authors are required to acknowledge the original publication of the work in the pages of the journal. In the case of any requests to reprint the work, Acadiensis will require a standard permission fee -- to be divided equally between the journal and the author. In the event that such requests are received by the author(s), the author(s) shall direct such requests to the journal.