Participation, Agency, and Children’s Rights: A case study


  • Marly Nauss Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU)


The study of children and the variety of ways they interconnect with adult society is complex. The desire for more scientific knowledge on child governance has existed for over a century (Mentha et al, 2015). Mentha et al. (2015) emphasize Kantian philosophy when examining child governance, agency, and participation: “how do I cultivate freedom when there is restraint” (Kant, 1899/2003 cited in Mentha et al., 2015, p. 625). In this project, I too, will ask this question. My intention was to explore the perspectives of Nova Scotian Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) on participation, agency, and children’s rights. My focus on how we do (or do not) provide/integrate opportunities to build the skill of agency and participation into the time restraint of a preschool day.




How to Cite

Nauss, M. (2024). Participation, Agency, and Children’s Rights: A case study. Antistasis, 13(2), 107–114. Retrieved from