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Volume 5 Number 1 / Spring 1984

Lois Reynolds Kerr Recalls the Playwrights Studio Group 1932-1941

mai 13, 2008


At the 1983 conference of the Association for Canadian Theatre History in Vancouver, Lois Reynolds Kerr recalled her own career as a successful awards-winning playwright and the founding of the Playwrights Studio Group, which was established in 1932 and continued to produce plays at Hart House Theatre and the Dominion Drama Festival until 1941. Other playwrights of the Playwrights Studio Group of Toronto included Dora Conover and Winnifred Pilcher, who also contribute their memoirs to this article, Leonora McNeilly, Rica McLean Farquharson, Virginia Coyne Knight, Marjorie Price, Margaret Ness, Jameson Field and Arthur Burrows. Actors and directors involved with Hart House Theatre contributed their talents to the biannual productions, making the Playwrights Studio Group one of the first Canadian organizations dedicated to playwriting. A la conférence de l'Association d'Histoire du Théâtre au Canada à Vancouver en 1983, Lois Reynolds Kerr retraça sa carrière d'auteur dramatique couronnée de succes car gagnante d'une récompense et rappela la fondation du 'Playwrights Studio Group' qui fut établi en 1932 et continua à présenter des pièces au théâtre de Hart House et au 'Dominion Drama Festival' j'usqu'en 1941. Parmi les autres auteurs dramatiques du Playwrights Studio Group de Toronto se trouvaient Dora Conover et Winnifred Pilcher qui toutes deux vont aussi ajouter leurs souvenirs à cet article, ainsi que Leonora McNeilly, Rica McLean Farquharson, Virginia Coyne Knight, Marjorie Price, Margaret Ness, Jameson Field et Arthur Burrows. Les acteurs et réalisateurs engagés au théâtre de Hart House ont apporté leurs talents aux productions semestrielles, faisant du Playwrights Studio Group une des premières organisations consacrées à la dramaturgie.