Nathalie Cooke Writing the Chinese Restaurateur into the Canadian Literary Landscape HTML (English) PDF (English)
Catherine Khordoc « Éclipse de Dieu » : allusions et contestations bibliques dans l’œuvre de Monique Bosco HTML (English) PDF (English)
Katherine Ann Roberts “The Taste of Wet Steel”: Bordertown Masculinities in Craig Davidson’s Cataract City HTML (English) PDF (English)
Josh Stenberg “The More Labels We Give to Ourselves”: Breaking Down Binaries with the Work of Andy Quan HTML (English) PDF (English)
David Hadar Medium and Author: Margaret Atwood on the Writer’s Place in the Network of Literature HTML (English) PDF (English)
Susan Brown, Cecily Devereux Introduction: Digital Textualities/Canadian Contexts HTML (English) PDF (English)
Jordan Bolay From Hay Fever to Archive Fever: A Metacognitive Reflection on the University of Calgary’s Canadian Literary Archive HTML (English) PDF (English)
Jessica McDonald Reading Text and Paratext in the Digital Era: Douglas Coupland’s JPod HTML (English) PDF (English)
Amanda Montague Augmented Nationalism: Mobile Apps and National Narratives at Material Sites of Memory in Canada’s Capital Region HTML (English) PDF (English)
Hannah McGregor Digitizing the Banal: The Politics of Recovery in Periodical Studies HTML (English) PDF (English)
Jessica MacEachern The Feminist Poet Re-Creates the Soundscape: The Excessive Noise of Lisa Robertson and Rachel Zolf HTML (English) PDF (English)
Ruth Panofsky “Memories Seeded in Longings”: An Interview with Bernice Eisenstein HTML (English) PDF (English)