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Resurfacing: Women Writing in 1970s Canada



SCL | Studies in Canadian Literature 
ÉLC | Études en Littérature Canadienne 

Volume 44.2 | 2019

Special Issue
Resurfacing: Women Writing in 1970s Canada  
Refaire surface : écrivaines canadiennes des années 1970

Guest editors:

  • Christl Verduyn (Mount Allison University)
  • Andrea Cabajsky (Université de Moncton)
  • Andrea Beverley (Mount Allison University)
  • Kirsty Bell (Mount Allison University)


Today’s scholarly community revisits women’s writing in Canada during the long 1970s. Seventeen contributions yield new insights into the cultural works produced by women working in French and English, from the west coast to the east, between the mid-to-late 1960s and the early-to-mid 1980s. Contributors revisit and recontexualize feminist works from this period, demonstrating the extent to which they remain amenable to critical recovery for new generations of readers who approach them from multiple formal, theoretical, critical, cultural, and material perspectives.



Introduction: Écrivaines canadiennes des années 1970—Women Writing in 1970s Canada
     Christl Verduyn, Andrea Cabajsky, Andrea Beverley, and Kirsty Bell

Recognition, or the Depressive Pleasure of Reading Surfacing
     Misao Dean (University of Victoria)

The "Great Game"; Archives and Canadian Literature in the 1960s and 1970s: Margaret Laurence and McMaster University's William Ready
     Kathleen Garay (McMaster University)

Des « déchets humains » : esthétique trash et partage du sensible chez Margaret Laurence
     Isabelle Kirouac-Massicotte (Université de Toronto)

Scratching the Surface: Marian Engel’s 1970s Writing
     Christl Verduyn (Mount Allison University)

Exposing the Eugenic Reader: Maria Campbell’s Halfbreed and Settler Self-Education
     Rebekah Ludolph (Wilfrid Laurier University)

A Documentary Film on Fire: Les terribles vivantes/Firewords
     Louise Forsyth (University of Saskatchewan)

L’Acayenne des années 1970 : quand les femmes (s’)écrivent
     Isabelle LeBlanc (Université de Moncton)

La réécriture, ou renverser la perspective : Évangéline Deusse d’Antonine Maillet
     Maria Cristina Greco (Université de Moncton)

“But the Good Feelings Were There Too”: Care and Hospitality in Adele Wiseman’s Crackpot
     Dominique Hétu (University of Alberta)

Lola Montez, c’est moi; or, Francesca Replayed
     Aritha van Herk (University of Calgary)

Perfect Mismatch: Gwendolyn MacEwen and the Flat Earth Society
     David Eso (University of Victoria)

Revisiting Sylvia Fraser’s Pandora: Girlhood, Body, and Language
     Margaret Steffler (Trent University)

The Intertextual Condition: Vancouver Poems and the Development of Daphne Marlatt’s Archival Poetics
     Jason Wiens (University of Calgary)

The Progress of Writing in Alice Munro’s “The Office”
     Tracy Ware (Queen’s University)

“A Troublesome Weed Which Spreads Like Wildfire”: Fireweed: a feminist quarterly and the Politics of Diversity
     Marcin Markowicz (Adam Mickiewicz University)

Feminist Anthologizing: Women and Words: The Anthology/Les femmes et les mots: Une anthologie
     Andrea Beverley (Mount Allison University)

Toward a Feminist Archival Ethics of Accountability: Researching with the Aritha van Herk Fonds
     Veronika Schuchter (University of Oxford)


Cover Art
Elma Schumacher, “Broken Dock”
     Intaglio print on paper
     37.7 x 27.5 cm
     Collection of the Owens Art Gallery
     Mount Allison University

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