Tony Tremblay "Lest on too close sight I miss the darling illusion": The Politics of the Centre in "Reading Maritime" HTML PDF
Susanne Marshall "As if there were just the two choices": Region and Cosmopolis in Lisa Moore’s Short Fiction HTML PDF
Alexander MacLeod "The Little State of Africadia Is a Community of Believers": Replacing the Regional and Remaking the Real in the Work of George Elliott Clarke HTML PDF
Cynthia Sugars Repetition with a Difference: The Paradox of Origins in Alistair MacLeod’s No Great Mischief HTML PDF
Paul Chafe Living the Authentic Life at "The Far East of the Western World": Edward Riche’s Rare Birds HTML PDF
Thomas Hodd Shoring against Our Ruin: Sheldon Currie, Alistair MacLeod, and the Heritage Preservation Narrative HTML PDF