À propos de cette revue

Narrative Works is an online, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal developed by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative at St.Thomas University. Narrative Works is a venue for disseminating scholarly work related to narrative that does not fit neatly within established disciplines, publishing work by theorists, researchers, and practitioners working on a wide spectrum of topics that cut across conventional academic boundaries.


Numéro courant

Vol. 12 (2023): Volume 12, Number 1 (2023)
Voir tous les numéros

Narrative Works is an online, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal developed by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative at St.Thomas University. Narrative Works is a venue for disseminating scholarly work related to narrative that does not fit neatly within established disciplines, publishing work by theorists, researchers, and practitioners working on a wide spectrum of topics that cut across conventional academic boundaries.