Volume 26, Number 4 (1999)
Conference Reports / Compte rendus de réunions

Mining and the Environment II / L'exploitation minière et l'environnement II: An Integrated Approach to Planning and Rehabilitation for the Future

Jeanne B. Percival
Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Y. T. John Kwong
CANMET (Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology), Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Publié-e 1999-12-12

Comment citer

Percival, J. B., & Kwong, Y. T. J. (1999). Mining and the Environment II / L’exploitation minière et l’environnement II: An Integrated Approach to Planning and Rehabilitation for the Future. Geoscience Canada, 26(4). Consulté à l’adresse https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/GC/article/view/4018