Volume 1, Number 3 (1974)

Collection, Storage and Retrieval of Geological Held Data in Precambrian and Paleozoic Rocks of Southern New Brunswick

A. A. Ruitenberg
Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch, Sussex, N.B.
J. Chandra
Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch, Sussex, N.B.
D. S. Secord
Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch, Sussex, N.B.

Publié-e 1974-08-08

Comment citer

Ruitenberg, A. A., Chandra, J., & Secord, D. S. (1974). Collection, Storage and Retrieval of Geological Held Data in Precambrian and Paleozoic Rocks of Southern New Brunswick. Geoscience Canada, 1(3). Consulté à l’adresse https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/GC/article/view/2845


Large amounts of geologic field data have been produced as a result of recent geologic investigations by the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, financed by the Federal Department of Regional Economic Expansion. This necessitated designing a standardized system for the collection, storage and retrieval of geologic field data, which is briefly described in this report.