Volume 31, Number 3 (2004)
GAC Presidential Address

Geoscience for the Needs of Canadians, GAC Presidential Address, Annual Meeting St. Catharines, Ontario, 12 May 2004

L. Harvey Thorleifson
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Geological Survey, 2642 University Ave, W St Paul, MN 55114-1057, USA.

Publié-e 2004-09-01

Comment citer

Thorleifson, L. H. (2004). Geoscience for the Needs of Canadians, GAC Presidential Address, Annual Meeting St. Catharines, Ontario, 12 May 2004. Geoscience Canada, 31(3). Consulté à l’adresse https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/GC/article/view/2762