Volume 3, Number 3 (1976)
Letters / Lettres

More on Computer Applications

A. D. Miall
Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum, Geology Geological Survey of Canada, 3303 - 33rd St. N.W. Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7
C. F. Jr. Burk
Canada Centre for Geoscience Data, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4

Publié-e 1976-09-01

Comment citer

Miall, A. D., & Burk, C. F. J. (1976). More on Computer Applications. Geoscience Canada, 3(3). Consulté à l’adresse https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/GC/article/view/1208