Volume 17, Number 2 (1990)
Features / Rubriques

History of Geology: Robert Foulis (1796-1866): New Brunswick Inventor, Entrepreneur and Geologist

Harold E. Wright
Partridge Island Research Project, Saint John, New Brunswick.
Randall F. Miller
Natural Sciences Division, New Brunswick Museum, Saint John, New Brunswick.

Published 1990-06-06

How to Cite

Wright, H. E., & Miller, R. F. (1990). History of Geology: Robert Foulis (1796-1866): New Brunswick Inventor, Entrepreneur and Geologist. Geoscience Canada, 17(2). Retrieved from https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/GC/article/view/3659


Robert Foulis, like his contemporary Abraham Gesner, was an extraordinary man whose interest in natural science and invention led him down a rocky path. Unfortunately, both Foulis and Gesner met with frustration as they attempted to explore and exploit the geological riches of New Brunswick. The invention of an illuminating fuel distillation process and the right to mine albertite, a bitumen found at Albert Mines, New Brunswick, proved to be the bane of both men.