The End-Cryogenian Glaciation of South Australia Catherine V. Rose, Adam C. Maloof, Blair Schoene, Ryan C. Ewing, Ulf Linnemann, Mandy Hofmann, John M. Cottle 256–293 PDF
Disparate Paths in the Geologic Evolution of the Northern and Southern Appalachians: A Case for Inherited Contrasting Crustal/Lithospheric Substrates James Hibbard, Paul Karabinos 303–317 PDF
Tectonic Evolution of the Adirondack Mountains and Grenville Orogen Inliers within the USA James M. McLelland, Bruce W. Selleck, Marion E. Bickford 318–352 PDF
Devonian Intrusion-Related Mineralization in Southwestern New Brunswick: Mount Pleasant Sn–W–Mo–Zn–In and Clarence Stream Au–Sb Deposits Kathleen Thorne, David Lentz 353–354 PDF
Tectono–Stratigraphic Setting of Base-Metal Deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada Jim Walker, Sean McClenaghan 355–356 PDF
The On-going Saint John Geology Enigma: Avalonia Versus Ganderia in Southern New Brunswick Sandra Barr, Susan Johnson, Chris White 357–358 PDF
Sedimentological, Structural and Paleontological Highlights of the Carboniferous Maritimes Basin in Southern New Brunswick David Keighly, Adrian Park, John Waldron 359–360 PDF
Geology of the Island of Grand Manan, New Brunswick: Precambrian to Early Cambrian and Triassic Formations J. Gregory McHone, Leslie Fyffe 361–362 PDF
Geoheritage and Geotourism in Stonehammer Geopark: North America's First Global Geopark Randall Miller, Gail Bremner, Lucy Wilson 363–364 PDF
Research Matters 1. Funding for Structural Geology and Tectonics Research in Three Nations Christie D. Rowe 366–370 PDF