Hewson's Semantic Theory and Implicit Semantics


  • Valeri Vassiliev Chuvash Pedagogical Institute


The problem of implicit semantics was approached in this paper with a broad understanding of presuppositions, implications, entailments, etc., as derivable information created by three different kinds of contexts in the four stages of meaning generation. Liens are viewed as meanings implied by the speaker and/or inferred by the hearer in a real act of communication. As meaning generation is assumed to be an activity, liens are consequently treated as dynamic processes involving psychological associations, rational deductions, and imagination. Each stage of semiogenesis provides a potential possibility for a variety of liens. Most of them are dismissed and cancelled at the subsequent stages of meaning generation so that the final perceptive product-an understood utterance-appears to have only several liens which remain relevant for a given set of linguistic, referential and situational contexts and for the majority of the speakers.




Comment citer

Vassiliev, V. (1997). Hewson’s Semantic Theory and Implicit Semantics. Linguistica Atlantica, 19, 129–139. Consulté à l’adresse https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/la/article/view/22512


