A picture of a tidal wave.


Open call for papers to Linguistica Atlantica


LA is a free online journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles in any subfield of descriptive, theoretical and applied linguistics. All submissions are published in a running fashion (as they are completed) on the journal's website. Its goal is to promote linguistic research in Atlantic Canada by engaging with scholarly activity from around the globe. Graduate students and young scholars are especially encouraged to submit their manuscripts. The target length of each article is 3000-4000 words.

Beginning this year, we welcome submissions with accompanying multimodal content (including audio and video, images, maps, data etc.) that readers can use to enhance their engagement with published articles.

Paper submissions or proposals should be sent to the editor, Paul De Decker, pauldd@mun.ca We adhere to the Unified style sheet for Linguistics(http://celxj.org/downloads/USS-NoComments.pdf)), with footnotes. The papers should be saved in Word and PDF and the two anonymous versions should be attached to an e-mail message containing the author’s information.

Read more about Open call for papers to Linguistica Atlantica

Current Issue

Vol. 39 No. 1 (2021): Linguistica Atlantica
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