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1992: Vol. LXIX, No. 1

The Price of ECDIS - Is it Worth Paying?

juillet 30, 2015


The idea of an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) was conceived a number of years ago and recent events, particularly the introduction of Differential GPS, have reduced the value of its original concept. It can now be argued that there are other means of applying a computer to the problems of marine navigation that will yield the mariner greater benefit than ECDIS. However, ECDIS has acquired a powerful momentum, with studies and investigations being conducted all over the world; this momentum may soon become unstoppable - so the time is ripe for a second look. The principal point at issue is 'legal equivalency'; whether a computer system can ever replace the paper chart in all its functions and still be easy to use by a young ship's officer who does not speak English - or by a senior and experienced Master of any nationality who has had no exposure to computers. It is suggested that a more practical approach is to retain the paper chart in its present form (accepting that it will be increasingly produced by computerized methods) and to use the shipboard computer instead as a navigational tool that supplements the chart, the pilot, Notices to Mariners and all the present proven navigational support structure. The paper compares the two approaches in different situations and assesses their relative value.