Queering Queer Educational Absences: A Reflection


  • Amelia Thorpe University of New Brunswick

Author Biography

Amelia Thorpe, University of New Brunswick

Amelia Thorpe is a PhD Candidate and Vanier Scholar at the University of New Brunswick. She is a queer, cis, white educator and activist who holds a Master's in Social Justice Education from the University of Toronto and has extensive experience working in 2SLGBTQ+ spaces of education and advocacy. Amelia has worked with numerous community organizations, locally and nationally, focused on sexual and gender diversity for over 15 years. Her research focuses on community activism, intergenerational connectivity within 2SLGBTQ+ communities, and queering concepts of identity, space, and education.




How to Cite

Thorpe, A. (2022). Queering Queer Educational Absences: A Reflection. Antistasis, 12(1), 29–35. Retrieved from https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/antistasis/article/view/33058