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Volume 3 Number 2 / Fall 1982

The Canada Council and the Theatre: The Past Twenty-Five Years and Tomorrow

mai 13, 2008


To mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Canada Council, and its years of assistance to Canadian theatre and scholarship, the Association for Canadian Theatre History/l'Association d'histoire du théâtre au Canada at its annual conference, 2 June 1982, brought together the Council's Theatre Officers from the past years to take part in a panel discussion on the role they played in the Council's aid to theatre. The panelists included Jean Roberts, who served as Theatre Officer from 1967 to 1970, David Gardner (1971-2), David Peacock (1972- 78), Claude Des Landes (1978-81, French section), and Walter Learning (1978-82, English section). The panel was chaired by William Kilbourn. Ann (Coffin) Young, who was with the Council when the Theatre Section was established, was unable to be present, but sent a letter which is quoted in the transcription. Each person was asked to speak about the role of the Theatre Section during the individual's term of office; then, the topic was opened to questions and discussion from the floor. As the transcription indicates, the panelists were candid in commenting on their own tenure, and equally so in answering questions from the floor. With assistance from the Council, and through arrangements set up by David Gardner and carried out by John Burgess of the Council's Public Relations Office, the Editors of the journal are able to publish a transcription of the proceedings. Afin de distinguer le 25-ème anniversaire et ses anneés d'assistance au théâtre et à l'érudition Canadien, l'Association d'histoire du théâtre au Canada à sa conference annuaire, le 2-ème juin 1982 réunit les Officiciers de Théâtre des anneés passées du Conseil pour faire partir d'une discussion concèrnant leurs rôles dans l'aide que le Conseil donna au théâtre. La tribune se composa de Jean Roberts qui servit comme Officier de Théâtre de 1967 à 1970, David Gardner (1971-72), David Peacock (1972-78), Claude Des Landes (1978-81, section francophone), et Walter Learning (1978-82, section anglephone). William Kilbourn a presidé la tribune. Ann (Coffin) Young, qui fit partie du Conseil lorsqu' on établit la Section de Théâtre incapable d'assister à la conference envoya une lettre qui est citè dans la transcription. Chaque personne parla du rôle que la Section de Théâtre joua pendant son propre terme de charge; ensuite les spectateurs availat l'occasion de poser des questions et de prendre le parôle. Selon le transcription ceux de la tribune étaient francs en parlant de leur propre fonction et en rèpondant aux questions des spectateurs. Avec l'assistance du Conseil et l'organisation fournit de David Gardner et avanca de John Burgess du Conseil, les rèdacteurs du journal sont capable à publier une transcription du procédés.