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Volume 23 Numbers 1 and 2 / Spring and Fall 2002

Théâtre et Identité II: Les Modalités de L' échange

mai 13, 2008


This study concludes a two-part enquiry into the possible workings of aesthetics of identity in devising theatre. A preceding analysis of the work accomplished by the Troupe du Haut Pays in Gaspésie and by Brigitte Haentjens with respect to her artistic contribution to Northern Ontario's francophone community highlighted nine structural parallels that articulated, at the metacommunicative level, a dialogical relationship of confirmation of identity between a professional team of artists and an environment virtually devoid of theatre. The theoretical and methodological framework utilized integrates Greimas' theory of modalities and exchange so as to better account for the intertextuality between these two interventions, as narrated by the artists. This complementary focus on the signifying practices identified in the systemic aspects of the narratives analysed goes beyond the aesthetic sphere and suggests the operational value of the exchange paradigm as a model for documenting as well as for stimulating innovation in both the artistic and non-artistic fields.