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À propos de cette revue

Focus and Scope

Approaches theatre in Canada from theoretical and/or historical perspectives, and reviews books dealing with all aspects of Canadian theatre.

Theatre Research in Canada/Recherches théâtrales au Canada is a forum for scholarly material that draws from the full range of critical and historical approaches applied to the study of theatre as a multidisciplinary art, in the context of the cultures of Canada and Quebec. As such, the journal is committed to the dissemination of empirical research on the history of actors, theatre companies and buildings, chronicles of local theatres, as well as studies of individual playscripts and playwrights. Theatre Research in Canada/Recherches théâtrales au Canada is also committed to broadening of the parameters of theatre scholarship in Canada, through engagement with multi- and interdisciplinary research, studies of cultural specificity and multicultural exchange, investigations of new and emergent technologies in Canadian design and performance, and explorations of theatricality and performativity beyond the traditional contexts of theatre and drama. The journal is also committed to exploring the intersection among history, theory, and practice through increased exchange.

Peer Review Process

All submissions are blind reviewed by at least two scholars familiar with the content and/or methodology of the article. Once all peer reviews have been received the editor will compile a response to the author, including observations from the reviewers as well as from the editor. Articles so reviewed may be accepted for publication with minor editorial suggestions, accepted for publication with major editorial suggestions, recommended for reworking and resubmission (including a possible second peer reviewing stage), or not recommended for publication.

Peer Review Guidelines

Assessing articles we ask peer reviewers to consider the following elements:

(1) Research and Content

Is the historical, theoretical, literary, critical and/or performance approach sufficient to support the argument given in the paper? Are there missing sources that should be consulted in addition to the ones listed? Are the sources used reliable ones? How original or valuable a contribution does the paper make to current scholarship in the field? Are key terms, phrases or definitions clearly explained and applied consistently throughout the paper? Is the central thesis (or theses) of the paper clearly stated, and are the main through lines of the argument developed throughout the paper in a logical, coherent fashion? Are there too many ideas to develop adequately within the length of article? Is there sufficient evidence being used in the paper to support the points it is making? Does the paper achieve a satisfactory balance between focus and precision of thought in combination with richness, depth and complexity of application?

(2) Style and Structure

Consider general clarity of style and expression. Are there places where difficult syntax or sentence structure obscures meaning? Are there too many ideas conflated into a single word, term or sentence for the reader to clearly understand what is being said? Are there places where the logic of a particular argument or application becomes unclear because of confused or inadequate expression? Does the paper start and end well, clearly establishing its ideas in the opening paragraphs, and summarizing, restating and closing its case convincingly in the final paragraphs?

(3) Technical corrections

Include such corrections as specific spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, referencing and bibliographic errors in your assessment with reference to line and page number. Or, submit the marked-up copy directly to the Editor using Track Changes and Comment function in Word.

We request that you pay particular attention to the parenthetical notation of quotations and the Works Cited list to ensure that they correctly follow MLA guidelines. Also note that footnotes are no longer acceptable.

Votre évaluation devra tenir compte des éléments suivants :

(1) Recherche et contenu

La démarche historique, théorique, littéraire, critique et/ou relative à la représentation sert elle à appuyer l'argumentation? Faudrait-il ajouter des sources à la liste des ouvrages à consulter? Les sources citées sont-elles fiables? À quel point la contribution de cet article à la recherche dans le domaine est-elle originale et valable? Les définitions, les passages et les termes clés sont-ils expliqués clairement et utilisés de façon uniforme dans l'ensemble de l'article? La thèse centrale (ou les thèses centrales) est-elle clairement exprimée, et les points principaux de l'argument sont-ils développés avec logique et cohésion? L'article contient-il trop ou trop peu d'idées pour être développés adéquatement? L'auteur présente-t-il/elle suffisamment de preuves pour appuyer ses arguments? A-t-il/elle réussi à trouver l’équilibre entre la précision de sa pensée et la richesse, la profondeur et la complexité de sa mise en application?

(2) Style et structure

Examinez, dans son ensemble, la clarté du style et des moyens d'expression. Y a-t-il des passages où la syntaxe pose obstacle à la compréhension? La concentration des éléments (mots, termes, phrases) nuit-elle à la compréhension du lecteur? Y a-t-il des passages où la logique d’un argument est embrouillée par une expression mal choisie? Le début et la fin de l’article sont-ils solides? L’auteur exprime-t-il/elle clairement ses idées dès les premiers paragraphes, et les résume t il/elle à la fin sans oublier de clore la question avec conviction au dernier paragraphe?

(3) Eléments marginaux

Dans le cadre de votre évaluation, signalez les éléments marginaux, tels que les fautes d'orthographe, de grammaire, de ponctuation ou de syntaxe, les références fautives et les erreurs de nature bibliographique, en précisant la ligne et la page à laquelle ils se trouvent.

Prêtez une attention particulière aux références placées entre parenthèses et à la liste des ouvrages cités et garantissez qu'elles sont conformes aux directives énoncées dans le guide de rédaction de la Modern Language Association (MLA), édition 1999. Sachez également que nous n'utilisons plus les notes de bas de page.


The Journal's "parent" organization is the Canadian Association for Theatre Research / Association canadienne de la recherche théâtrale.

The Journal wishes to thank the Centre for Digital Scholarship, University of New Brunswick for its longtime hosting our online presence.

Sources of Support

The journal is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the University of Toronto