Edgy + Hysteria

Not Like Sisters, or How Montreal’s Edgy Women and Toronto’s Hysteria Festivals Got It On Across Space and Time


  • T. L. Cowan University of Toronto
  • Miriam Ginestier
  • Moynan King

Author Biographies

T. L. Cowan, University of Toronto

T. L. Cowan is an assistant professor of Media Studies in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media and the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. T.L.’s research/creation focuses on cultural and intellectual economies, networks and methods of minoritized digital media and performance practices. She is currently completing a monograph, Transmedial Drag and other Cross-Platform Cabaret Methods and is co-director of two online projects: The Digital Research Ethics Collaboratory and the Cabaret Commons.

Miriam Ginestier

Miriam Ginestier is the Co-Director of Studio 303, a busy Montreal centre for dance and interdisciplinary art, and an award-winning creator of cultural events for Montreal’s lesbian and queer communities. At Studio 303, Miriam supports experimental artists and practices through an interconnected program of residencies, professional development, unconventional performance opportunities, as well as via artist-led networking events. Miriam was the ideator and primary curator of the Edgy Women festival which was produced by Studio 303, under various guises, for 23 years from 1994 to 2016. A former performer, Miriam is deeply invested in artist empowerment and in mobilizing exciting ideas.

Moynan King

MOYNAN KING is a performer, director, curator, and writer. Recent performances include roles on CBC’s Baroness von Sketch Show (on which she is also a contributing writer) and in John Greyson’s Murder in Passing and Last Car. She is an established playwright and performance installation creator and was co-founder of the Hysteria Festival. Moynan was the editor of Canadian Theatre Review 149, Queer Performance: Women and Trans Artists and the book Queer/Play: An Anthology of Queer Women’s Performance and Plays.



How to Cite

Cowan, T. L., Ginestier, M., & King, M. (2020). Edgy + Hysteria: Not Like Sisters, or How Montreal’s Edgy Women and Toronto’s Hysteria Festivals Got It On Across Space and Time. Theatre Research in Canada Recherches théâtrales Au Canada, 40(1 & 2), 118. Retrieved from https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/TRIC/article/view/30510