Mary M. Brown and Natalie Rewa

This calendar is the result of research initiated and supervised by Dr Mary M. Brown of the University of Western Ontario, and further developed by Natalie Rewa of the University of Toronto. Using details taken from the extensive data collected, and analysed in the preceding article, the calendar records the advertised and reviewed performances of professional troupes in Ottawa from 1870 to 1879 as found in three contemporary newspapers: the Ottawa Citizen, the Ottawa Free Press, and Ottawa Times.

For the purpose of publication the essential details of the research have been organized as follows: in columns one and two, dates and titles have been recorded as closely as possible to actual performances by correlating the advertisements and reviews to discover cancellations or substitutions. The titles have been left as they appear in the advertisements or reviews, with little attempt at standardization. Accurate identification of the playwrights has been difficult, because not all the names appear in the newspaper. When the playwright has not been indicated we have consulted catalogues or cross -referenced the entries with those positively identified elsewhere in the calendar. Consequently, notation in column three has taken two forms: where available the playwrights are recorded as found for the particular performance; otherwise the most probable playwright appears in brackets. In the case of operas and operettas, we often found it difficult to determine whether they were performed in translation, or in the original language; therefore, Only the most basic information has been provided.

The fourth column deals with the companies. References to particular actors have been limited to the names of guest artists as specified in the advertisement; additional information, such as cast lists, has been omitted from this calendar.

The last entry for each performance is the theatre, identified as follows: Her Majesty's Theatre (HMT), Rink Music Hall (RMH), Gowan's Opera House (GOH), Gowan's Hall (GH), Opera House (OH), Grand Opera House (GrOH) and Rideau Hall (RH).

January , 1870 - April 1874 (PDF)

April, 1874 - January, 1877 (PDF)

January, 1877 - December, 1879 (PDF)