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Notes and Commentaries

Volume 12, Number 1 (1987)

Dates and Details in Mavis Gallant's "Its Image on the Mirror"

  • W. J. Keith
mai 22, 2008


D.B. Jewison has argued in his discussion of Mavis Gallant's "Its Image on the Mirror" that a careful reading reveals there is "considerable confusion" over dates in Jean's narrative, and he goes on to draw some significant conclusions from this premise. However, "considerable confusion" is a decided exaggeration. The only instance of undoubted discrepancy is Jean's dating of Isobel's second marriage (which could be a misprint or a slip-up by Gallant). Jean does not contradict herself concerning Suzanne's age, nor is she mistaken about Poppy's age. And, even though Gallant does challenge the reliability of memory throughout the work, this is no reason to think Jean Price is an unreliable narrator.