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Volume 04, Number 2 (1979)

The Time is Now or Not Yet: Attitudes Toward Exploration in the French and English Canadian Novel

  • J. C. Stockdale
mai 22, 2008


For the individual in Canada in the first quarter of this century a personal exploration of values and rules was difficult. Two particular segments of present-day society still encounter great resistence from intrenched authority in their search for self-expression: women and Quebec nationalists. Two progressions of three novels reflect the search by these two groups for self-expression: Group 1 - The Stairway, 1921, Alice Chown, Shackles, 1926, Madge MacBeth, The Diviners, 1974, Margaret Laurence; Group 2 - Marcel Faure, 1922, J.C. Harvey, La Chesnaie, 1942, Rex Desmarchais, Trou de memoire, 1974, Hubert Aquin.