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Notes and Commentaries

Volume 01, Number 2 (1976)

Leacock Writes For Truth

  • Alec Lucas
mai 22, 2008


Stephen Leacock and his biographer, Peter McArthur, worked together at New York's Truth magazine, which McArthur edited between 1895 and 1897. During this time he opened the door to many excellent Canadian artists, including Leacock, Jay Hambidge, Charles G. D. Roberts, Bliss Carman, Duncan Campbell Scott, Archibald Lampman, and Edwyn Sandys. Leacock was to include eighteen of the twenty-six sketches that appeared in Truth in his first book of humour, Literary Lapses, supporting his claim that McArthur helped him bring out his first book. Leacock clearly considered McArthur's interest in his work of singular importance, despite the cursory attention given to McArthur's influence by later biographers.