Different Listener and Teller Positions, Different Narratives


  • Margareta Hydén Stockholm University

Mots-clés :

positioning, intimate partner violence, personal narrative, teller/listener interaction, interview, multi-layered narrative


By comparing two interviews with women exposed to their husbands' violence, this article shows that an exploration of the many layers of a personal narrative is not a straightforward linear process, but a circular one. Based on the analysis of one of Catherine Riessman's case stories and one of the author's, the article further shows that a narrative can change dramatically if the tellers' and/or listeners' positions change during the interview.


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Comment citer

Hydén, M. (2021). Different Listener and Teller Positions, Different Narratives. Narrative Works, 10, 12 – 20. Consulté à l’adresse https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/NW/article/view/31900