Narrative and Sociology (Invited)


  • Matti Hyvärinen <em>University of Tampere</em>


The story of narrative sociology began in the mid-1980s, when such scholars as Elliot Mishler introduced narrative terminology into sociological research. The article suggests that narrative studies in sociology have three different orientations: narrative analyses of various texts, storytelling sociology, and sociological analyses of narrative realities. This division is far from categorical, and several scholars have moved between the orientations. It is argued that the shortage of sociological theory of narrative is the fundamental problem of narrative studies in sociology. Socio-narratology, as a project combining theoretical ideas from postclassical narratology and sociology, is therefore suggested as a potential remedy.



Comment citer

Hyvärinen, M. (2016). Narrative and Sociology (Invited). Narrative Works, 6(1). Consulté à l’adresse