C. C. Ennis Use of Regional Constant Correction Factors for Reduction of Echo Soundings PDF (English)
Theodor Stocks Research into the Nature and Stratification of the Sea Bottom by means of high frequency "Echolots" PDF (English)
Vas. Sheliagin Determination of Radio-Astronomic Position in 1934 in the Pakhtusov Islands (East Coast of Novaya Zemlya) PDF (English)
Charles H. Deetz, Oscar S. Adams Elements of Map Projection with applicaitons to Map and Chart Construction PDF (English)
J. N. Carruthers The Flow of Water through the Straits of Dover as gauged by continuous Current-Meter Observations at the Vame Light-Vessel (50°56’ N., 1°17’ E.) PDF (English)
Gertrude Kobe Der hydrographische Aufbau und die dadurch bedingten Strömungen im Skagerrak PDF (English)
Ed. le Danois, O. v. Schubert Oceanic Transgressions / Die Theorie der Transgressionen von Le Danois und ihre Beziehung zum Golfstrom-problem PDF (English)
II. Alphabetical Index of the names of Authors of articles which have been published in The Hydrographic Review PDF (English)